Sunday 15 December 2019

A Point of Return?

 Simply overwhelmed by visiting my blog after more than 2 years!!! Scrolling, revisiting my pages, full of so much! I feel ..well... like I met my best friend again! I don't know whether I would be able to coop with the posts' frequency again, or should I change the name, or what all the life might bring yet again! BUT..I am so happy to be here and see everyone of you who didn't go for whatsoever reason (you simply didn't notice my blog since I was gone for so long!lol). I know that many of you must have had changes in life, went different paths, met various people, etc. etc. I am not an exception my friends.

I suppose I would be telling my new story in further posts which I hope oh! so much would follow! Our family is doing well just to let you know. It's just we started a new chapter in a book of our life in another country.

I will leave it at this as of now, in anticipation of winter holidays and some magical events and moments!

Love to all!!! Blessed be!

Our New Christmas Tree, adorned with mostly handmade ornaments.


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